
Shards, DATIVE Design System

Portfolio / Shards, DATIVE Design System

Shards, DATIVE Design System


During my job at DATIVE, a SaaS startup, I was entrusted with the creation and upkeep of the Design System (Shards).

This Design System is an adaptation of Vuetify, itself derived from Google's Material Design. Its implementation has significantly expedited development processes while ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience.

The approach to evolving the design system has been as follows: maximizing the utilization of Vuetify components, aligning them with Dative's visual identity, and creating or adopting new components as per specific user needs.

A beta version is available through the Storybook tool. This platform allows developers to test components in isolation, while enabling me to compare the intended Design System (as outlined in Figma) with the production version. This provides us with an overview of the project's component-based progress, facilitating tracking and necessary adjustments.
